WHO Source: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
Current Numbers: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
COVID-19 Cases
- Australia – we are still in a trend to reach 10,000 cases by 2nd April; but death rate is still very low. The experience around the world (e.g. Germany) is that if tests are conducted early to risk groups, then treatment could reduce mortality rate significantly. We seem to be experiencing this in Australia, very low % of severe cases perhaps due to early identification of illness, and hopefully low death rate due to the same.
- Argentina – with the current trend, Argentina will reach 1500 cases by 1st April (their day “12”), 50% more than Australia on the same day. Argentina has almost twice the Australian population, with higher population concentrations (e.g. Buenos Aires), the spread seems to be more controlled in Argentina (the country has full lock-down since 13th March) — However, death rate is higher than Australia, it’s about twice (2x)
- USA – passed Italy and China on number of cases; if current trend remains, USA will exceed 500,000 infected by around 5 days – this will take a toll to their health system, deaths might increase due to that. The current trend shows a death toll of around 4,000 in 5 days