From: Teresa <[email protected]>
Subject: Monday 8th March
Message Body:
Again a great night for all. We were 17 tonight. I didn’t take much part in the fun as I was struggling to put up with intense pain on my hip . I did manage to get a few action pics. Tonight present Raul, Michael, Alison, Lia, Sharon, Stephanie, Duncan, Lyn, Suzy, Sue, Cathy, Kate, Clare, Kelly ,Caroline and myself, Teresa
Message Sent by: Teresa
Hi everyone, it sounded like do much fun, sorry I couldn’t make it again. Not allowed to dance yet and was thinking about coming up to watch until my arm is better but can’t drive yet and didn’t feel like walking …………….lazybones!!! Mel
Welcome to our newest signed up and paid up member, Clare, who picks up our dances at an astonishing rate.