That was me Raul 😅
From Sharon Levitt
On Fri, 3 Feb 2023, 8:42 am , <[email protected]> wrote:
Hello All:Thanks to everyone who responded to my previous email.So far, we have 7 dancers for our event: Alison B., Margarita, Melva, Sue H., Teresa C., and Raul & Michael (Thanks Guys!).I received another YES from the team, but no name associated so I am missing one more (please send me your name if you were the one who answered YES but did not put the name in the email). So we should be 8 !!!If you have not yet replied, and if you're able to join us and dance with us at the HARMONY WEEK event organised by Suzanne Hammond-Warne on Saturday 18th March, there is still time !!! Reply to this email and confirm your attendance (remember to put your name in the email body or subject!) and just turn up to the ANNEX on Wed next week from 5:30pm too.I have booked the ANNEX for our rehearsals, every Wed from 8th February (next week) from 5:30pm. I will be there a little bit earlier to setup.I have already paid $204 for the ANNEX booking (invoice paid attached for reference), and if you are dancing with us and want to contribute to pay for the hall, then send $25 to BSB 732083 – ACCT 546781 – ACCT NAME R.Arregui (Thank You!).See you Wed 8th Feb (next week) 5:30pm at the ANNEX. It'll be wonderful to get the group together there !!!Hugs & kisses,Raul