Hello All:
We had a great session tonight! We had 15 members there: Carolyn & Peter, Clare, Col & Sue, Jayne, Lia, Marisabel & Tom, Peg & Suzi, Sue, Teresa, Michael & Raul.
We started once again with LA BICICLETA (zumba) to warm up ; then Peg took over and reminded us of the steps to DANCING ON WATER and after a couple of tries we danced the whole choreography a couple of times. After that, we practiced the steps to MEN IN BLACK and also danced it together a few times at full speed. We ended the evening with a back to back MEN IN BLACK followed by DANCING ON WATER. Well done team !!!
In between choreographies, we watched the video of the choreography suggested by Jayne (Wolfshäger Hexenbrut or Witches Dance). Everyone had a good laugh, clearly it’s a fun dance and a great candidate to learn later in the year.
Teresa also suggested a choreography to dance, the song is called CALM DOWN by REMA & SELENA GOMEZ and it is part of a world-wide dance challenge (like JERUSALEMA was a few years back). Here are the videos for you to review this dance, candidate for our 2nd group voting :
– Video of the choreography dance from Teresa: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lxcM8W0owCM
– Video of other people performing the dance steps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOnZswhnOzM / https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xvyJ8hBJB3w
– Video of a tutorial for this dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpVl_wMjkhw
I received many membership forms today, a hure THANK YOU if you were one of the ones who brought yours in. I am still missing a few, but just a few now (we are 21 members, and I got 15 forms). If you are one of the members who have not completed your forms, please do so by Monday 22nd May (next week); I am attaching the form just in case.
Sharon is preparing to teach us FELICES LOS 4 (Happy the 4 of us) later in the month, another great zumba choreography which could replace LA BICICLETA as our warm up dance to start future dance sessions. Stay tuned !!!
Have a great week. See you at the Annex Monday 22nd May 5pm for our 4th Dance Session !!!
Hugs & kisses,