Not sure who's that, but I am not going back to singing with Ona only due to her choice of music … I cannot continue to sing the religious songs she picks … otherwise it'd be great to rejoin as we learned a lot and could learn a lot more with her. Is anyone going?
On Mon, 2 Aug 2021 at 18:36, <[email protected]> wrote:
Anything happening with u3a singing Raul ?On Mon, 2 Aug 2021 at 6:33 pm, <[email protected]> wrote:Excited suzie and col xxxDance Therapy GroupOn Mon, 2 Aug 2021 at 3:22 pm, <[email protected]> wrote:Hello All,
Just a quick reminder that we will NOT have a dance session tonight (Monday 2nd August) but please get ready to return to dancing next week.YES! From Monday 9th August 6pm we are back with the team at the Annex, so come to catch up with your dancing mates, bring your masks and be prepared to social distance during the evening, but we can still have fun, say HI to each other, and DANCE !!!Look forward to seeing those of you who are able and willing to return next week.If you are not yet ready to return, all good too !!! We'll be waiting for your return at the Annex every Monday from the 9th Aug; and we'll celebrate your return with you when possible.Hugs and kisses,Raul