Hello Dance Therapy Group !!!
Hope you are all well !!! Michael and I are well here, excited and anxious that in just 1 week and a bit we'll be seeing many of you at the ANNEX to start another year of fun dancing together !!!
Since my last email a few weeks ago, I got a two (2) friends from our group who contacted me to tell me they'd be rejoining the group: Suzi & Peg !! So, we are 14 confirmed now !!
I am sure we will be able to get a few more members to get the 20 we need to cover the year hall hire in a few weeks.
Look forward to seeing you at the ANNEX from 4:30pm on Mon 4th March, dancing will start from 5pm. Cannot wait !!!
Hi RaulPeter and I have decided not to join dancing this time around. Send our love to everyone have a great year dancing 💚Carolyn Sent from my iPhone
Our best wishes to Raul & Michael, and all good friends of the dance group.We are still catching up after the disruptions of 2023, being busy with resolving essential business matters, and remaining cautious about COVID's recurrences. So we are busy, and not yet dancing in wide-contact group situations. It's missed, but a necessary adjustment, for the time.We are still dancing at home, several times a week, still loving it and practicing some of the dances learned in/for the group. (Still referring to the video archives for reminders too!) We thank you all for the fun times, and our special thanks to the drivers of events and teachers of dance steps.Big hugs to you all.Stephanie and DuncanOn Thu, 22 Feb 2024 at 19:03, <[email protected]> wrote: